Sunday, June 3, 2012

Sunday - selling Sunday

A bargain is something you can't use at a price you can't resist. Franklin Jones.

Frugal tip number three incorporates two tips in one. Stop impulse online buying and start compulsory online selling.

Sundays used to be my most expensive day of the week. Yet, I was often to be found still in my pj's and having never left the comfort of my own home. Ah, the loveliness of EBay. With a cup of tea (or if after 5 - a red wine) in my hand and my eyes scouring numerous "bargains" at once, I could often spend a couple of days wages on little treasures I was sure I couldn't live without.

Those little treasure buys were the first thing I lamented buying as soon as I realised the financial predicament we were in. What to do, what to do? Why - I could still enjoy EBay, just on the other en of the bargain. I would be the seller.

At once I have put a restriction on buying from the Internet :
- only one item a month
- item must be second hand
- item must be on a mutually agreed list (by hubby & I) of 'must haves' to improve our lives and not        clutter
- item can only be paid for by money made from previous EBay sales.

Items on list so far? A bread maker and a slow cooker. Thing that may help in my future endeavors.

And Sundays will now be my Selling Sunday days. And not just necessarily on EBay. Those of you who know me, also know that I come from a long line of Arthur Daley's. You know, Del Trotter's... Okay - second hand dealers. My Dad has always sold at the markets - new and old goods and now I would join him. I would gather up a lot of my "little treasures" and take them along to see if I could convince anyone they are bargains. That would be in a couple of weeks time - if the weather permits.

In the meantime, I will try and sell some of the bulkier items on EBay. I have decided on a minimum of two items a fortnight- not too many to be a nuisance, not too little to see a difference. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to find my camera and  have to sort through some junk. I mean treasures.

A great article on how to begin selling on ebay -

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