Thursday, June 7, 2012

Smaller equals smaller

Control thy passions lest they take vengeance on thee.  Epictetus.

Today's frugal tip is one that I am not sure of, however I am wiling to give it a go. As the cost of food increases and my waistline expands, the next tip makes a lot of sense. 
Frugal tip number seven - follow portion control and cut food portions in half.

This sounds easier said than done. I have been dieting for over 20 years - and still, I am fat. Food is my passion. I love food - love, love, love food. And food loves me - my hips, my ass, my stomach. So by cutting my portions I am going to try and cut back on food costs. And calories.

I am not going to change what I eat, I am going to change how much I eat. I will cut out extra snacks during the day and replace them with fruit. I will eat 3 meals and no seconds. And I will begin to study portion sizes and incorporate them in my meals. I can be a hungry, hungry hippo at times and having this as my control will hopefully not only save me cash but also my waistline.

An easy tip to explain - let's see how I go with the actual going ahead with it....

A great read on saving money and portion control -

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