Monday, June 18, 2012

Give the man meat

I'd loved to wear jeans and t-shirts, but everybody was in the peace movement back then. And that was my ploy. I had to be careful not to say things like 'I like meat.' Actually I just wanted to drink beer and to screw.  Ed O'Neill.

The next tip is strictly for meat eaters only....and for those who are willing to try something new. Frugal tip number 14 is buy and try the cheaper cuts of meat. Now a lot of you may switch off here and that's fine. Frugally speaking, most of us would be much better of being vegetarians (probably health wise too!) But I have a husband who is a big ole' fashion meat and 3 veg type of guy and I am only too happy to deliver. However, meat isn't cheap and it seems meat costs are on the rise. So, what to do?

Buy cheap cuts of meat. Buy meat in bulk. Try something new. Buy meat on sale.

Cheap cuts of meat. You know what I am going to say now, don't you. Offal. Kidneys, liver and hearts. All extremely cheap and nutritious. And very easy to cook.  But not to every one's taste. We can cook up a meal for 3 using offal as a base for under $2. I cook it in pasta, fried, stewed, baked, crumbed and stuffed. We like it and eat it probably once a fortnight.  Personally, I can't eat tripe but I pretty much can eat anything else. However, my husbands Italian God-mother apparently makes tripe in sauce which tastes delightful- might be time to source that recipe. If you haven't tried offal in awhile, maybe you could try a new recipe. It's all a matter of personal choice.

There are also cheap cuts of beef (stewing steak, chuck steak, etc) which can be cooked for a really long time and slowly in a stew or casserole. The meat will just fall apart. I buy chicken wings for $2.99 a kilo (sometimes $5 for 2 kilo's) and marinate them in honey and soy for a tasty and very easy meal. I have also done the same with pork ribs. I have downloaded off of the net 101 different ways with mince (I know-crazy yeah?) and sometimes can get mince as cheap as $4 a kilo. Meat can be cheap if you aren't buying eye fillet steak and chicken breasts. I never buy chicken breasts. I can get a whole chicken for the cost of two breasts and get so much more out of it. I usually buy two whole chickens for $8 and cook one once a week. We have roast chicken for the first night, chicken sandwiches for lunch the next day, chicken stir fry or fried rice the next night and I use the carcass and a little meat left over to make chicken soup. Could you get that much out of 2 chicken breasts? I don't think so

I often buy meat in bulk. I have mentioned chicken wings, whole chickens and mince but I also buy sausages and trays of pork chops (usually cut thin - 10 to a tray). Bulk is cheaper and I re-package everything into family serving sizes. I can get some of these bargains at Aldi - but I also visit large meat wholesalers or markets. I can usually buy two months supply of meat for one months cost. One of the patients at work has told me that if you visit the markets near to closing time (around 2pm) you can save almost 50% off of meat prices. That is something that I must try.

You may have noticed that I haven't mentioned buying any lamb. That is because I don't buy lamb. I get it given to me. My father-in-law has a sheep farm and every now and then, he gives me a whole side of lamb. This usually last us a couple of months and I save at least $200. He often gives me cuts I haven't cooked with before and tells me how to use them. He also has a 'farmer-supply' of rabbit and duck (depending on the season or what he has frozen). My father-in-law is of the old school thinking that whatever is killed is not wasted and he can make a delicious meal out of anything. He truly has taught me the most about cooking with unusual meat. I love it.

So I buy cheap cuts of meat. I buy meat on sale (even close to use by - I am going to freeze it anyway). I buy meat in bulk. And I am often trying something new. I make meat go a long way, I don't waste a morsel and we all enjoy eating it.

And sometimes, just sometimes- I even cook with vegies too. True!

Great blog on getting the most out of cheap beef (also a great blog to explore too)

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