Thursday, June 14, 2012

Colour me mild

There is only one cure for gray hair. It was invented by a Frenchman. It is called the guillotine. 
P.G Wodehouse

I really, really dislike my hair. I think there was a period of about 3 years in my 38 years of life where I may have thought it looked okay - but the rest of the time, I hate it. It is too curly, doesn't sit right and always seems to be either too big for my head or too flat. And on top of all that - I am going completely grey. Not just a strand here or there, but full head of grey. It is getting so bad that my boss from work, who is about 20 cm taller than me, often tells me I am need to colour my roots!

Not only do I hate my hair - I also dislike hairdressers. I have only had 3 hairdressers I have tolerated- one moved interstate, one had a baby and doesn't work anymore. And the third one is still around. But I can't afford to go to her. Just a cut costs $75. A cut and colour - $280.
You read right. I need to work 3 days to cover just a cut & colour. Now I am not saying she doesn't do a great job. She does - and hopefully, when my finances improve, she will still be there and I can go back to her. But for now I need to cut costs. I need to find an alternative.

Therefore, frugal tip number 10 - cut the costs on a cut and colour. I haven't had to colour my own hair for awhile, so I was surprised to see that the brand I used to use had gone up nearly double in price. While shopping in a discount store, I found a well known brand and it was half the recommended retail price - only $5.99. I bought 2 - thinking that if it turned out okay, I would use it again - if not, I could probably give it away.  So last night I gave it a try. I forgot how hard it is to cover all your own greys. It took a good hour and was very fiddly. These are the results-

What do you think? The colour is a bit darker than I usually have (even though it is supposed to be dark blonde) but it covers my roots and is all one colour. And all for $6. Bargain.

I have booked a cut with a friend on Saturday. She hasn't cut my hair before but I am willing to give her a go. She charges $30. So hopefully my cut and colour will only cost me $36.

$280 minus $36 equals a saving of $244. I get my haircut once every 8 weeks. So in a year I will save $1464.

Cos I'm worth it!

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