Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Tight wad Tuesday

Yiddish proverb: “With money in your pocket, you are wise and you are handsome and you sing well, too.”

Here in Australia, Tuesdays are often regarded as the cheap day of the week. Movie's are often cut price, pizza's are cheaper, pubs offer all night "happy hour" and there are even cut price piercings available. I wanted to take it further- Tight wad Tuesday would be our no spend day of the week.

Now that doesn't sound like much - one day a week of no spending but the one thing I noticed when tracking my expenses was that I hardly ever had a no spend day. Paying for Gas here, milk there, a roll for lunch the next day, a stamp the day after. I wanted one day, one day where I didn't spend a thing. Not a dollar, not a cent, not a brass razoo. Tight wad Tuesday.

Today was my first official day of no spending - and I did not spend a thing. I am hoping this will lead to no spend weeks, fortnights and even months. It's a challenge. For now, four days a month I will be doing no spending.

Will you join me?

For all those for are still spending on a Tuesday, an article to help you save a few dollars.

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